Thinking is a joint collaboration in which participating members of Sculpture Cymru have taken a common element, a square box, in which they have used the internal space to create a work with the title ‘Thinking’(a mild pun around the expression ‘thinking outside the box’). The confines of the box interior and the constraints of dimensions have forced the sculptors to work in unfamiliar territory. That said, the individual sculptures have the unmistakeable identity of the artist and the reaction to, and the interpretation of the spaces is as varied as it is similar. All pieces invite thoughtful contemplation and, of course, pose the question – ‘What were they thinking’?
- A study for a contemporary Calvaire – Paul Kincaid
- She didn’t fit in the Box – Mandy Lane
- Thought Process 2 – Glenn Morris
- Displacement 1 – Alison Lochhead
Thinking has been on exhibition at
Mid Wales Arts Centre – 2018
Bleddfa Arts Centre – 2018
Gorwellian Centre – 2019
Aberystwyth Arts Centre – 2020
Thinking. Sculpture Cymru, 2022
Hereford . October and November 2022. The Courtyard Theatre, Hereford.
15 Sculpture Cymru members contributed to this show on two floors of the Courtyard Theatre in Hereford reflecting on the themes of imaginative and creative practice . A new booklet was published for this show featuring new work by several exhibitors. Drawings, photographs and some free standing works were also presented in this well received exhibition.