Join Us
Application for membership to Sculpture Cymru
Applications will be considered by Sculpture Cymru members on 1st May and 1st October each year. You will be notified within one month of these dates. If you are interested in applying to join Sculpture Cymru, please download and complete the Application form.
If you have any enquiries regarding the form please email Secretary Dilys Jackson: dilysjackson@yahoo.co.uk
Sculpture Cymru offers members the following opportunities and benefits:
- To particiupate in Sculpture Cymru exhibitions and events.
- To attend SC meetings and discuss SC programme.
- To have your work included in SC publications.
- Your own page on the SC website.
- Access to SC trailer to transport your work.
- To participate in open studios, hold informal social evenings, visit each other’s studios and network and organise group trips to interesting exhibitions and venues.
- Opportunities to meet other sculptors and exchange ideas.
- Through SC have representation to the Arts Council of Wales and other arts and funding bodies.
- Be part of a growing group of sculptors for the exchange of ideas, techniques and contacts.
Sculpture Cymru is run by sculptors for sculptors
Any member can suggest projects and exhibitions and become involved in taking part in making them a success. Exhibiting opportunities are designed in response to members requests and range from themed independently selected shows to Group-curated or open and non-selected shows. All ideas are very welcome.
Membership Notes
- Membership is at the discretion of the Officers of the Organisation.
- Only practicing sculptors can become full members – fee £50.00 p.a.
- Only full members can take advantage of the organisations website, exhibitions and other opportunities.
- Associate membership is for those interested in supporting the organisation and the promotion of sculpture in Wales – fee £25.00 p.a.
- Student membership has the same benefits as full membership but is only available to sculptors while they continue their studies and hold a valid student card – fee £25.00 p.a.
Aims and Objectives of Sculpture Cymru
To foster, educate and promote a public awareness of contemporary sculpture.
- To encourage artistic exchange with artists in other countries and cultures and develop links and co-ordinate activities with similar organisations.
- To facilitate the work of sculptors by means of exhibitions, workshops, conferences, lectures and other educational events and activities.
- To encourage, stimulate and increase the understanding of good practice in sculpture and maintain a high standard of work and presentation.
- To raise funds to be devoted to attainment of these objectives.
- To do all such things as shall be conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.