Georgie Park – Swansea Metropolitan University
“I have a passion for making, for creating something tangible as an expression of my personal emotional and situational state. My work explores internal conflict or frustration and as a result, it often combines positive and negative elements within one piece or installation space. Through this, it achieves an ambivalent nature, which I feel is important for the viewer’s ability to relate to the work on a personal level.
I have a great interest in developing a deeper understanding of material and for the challenge of finding the limits and boundaries of a process or material and also the limits of my own ability. Recently I have worked a lot with plaster, with casts of my own body and find the endurance of physical exertion involved in the process pushes and drives my creative output. However, this said, when developing my ideas I keep an open mind as to the material or process I am going to use in order to find the most appropriate way to bring my ideas into realisation. As a result, my work is often in multi disciplinary and installation based drawing from and bringing together many different disciplines e.g. film, sculpture, performance, craft and ceramics.” Georgie Park