Touring Exhibition to The European Academy of Otzenhausen in Nonnweiler, Germany, The Gallery, Alan Baxter and Associates, London and The Town Library Gallery, Barry, Wales.
The members of Sculpture Cymru are constantly exploring new ways of working together and new possibilities for the engagement of sculptors in projects that expand their practice and contribute to the general awareness and enjoyment of sculpture. Hiraeth, an initiative led by John Howes, previous Chair of Sculpture Cymru, is one such project that takes the sculpture of this country out of Wales to Europe and London. Individual members, such as Peter Boyd and Andrew Griffiths have already contributed to exhibitions and residencies at the venues of this touring exhibition and paved the way for the present project.
Mae aelodau Sculpture Cymru gyson yn archwilio ffyrdd newydd o weithio gyda’i gilydd a newydd posibiliadau ar gyfer ymgysylltu cerflunwyr mewn prosiectau sy’n ehangu eu hymarfer ac yn cyfrannu i ymwybyddiaeth gyffredinol a mwynhad o’r cerflun. Hiraeth, Menter dan arweiniad John Howes, blaenorol Cadeirydd Sculpture Cymru, mae un prosiect o’r fath yn cymryd y cerflun y wlad tu allan i Gymru i Ewrop a Llundain. Aelodau unigol, megis Peter Boyd a Andrew Griffiths eisoes wedi cyfrannu at arddangosfeydd a phreswylfeydd mewn lleoliadau arddangosfa deithiol hon a baratoes y ffordd ar gyfer y prosiect presennol
Sculpture Cymru is grateful for the support of the Arts Council of Wales.