West Wales School of Art and Design, Carmarthen
For some time Scultpure Cymru had been discussing the idea of developing Training workshops where members could come together to develop new skills in sculptural practice. The recent interest in the development of using cast iron, as a way of making sculpture was beginning to become established and it was proposed that we should organise a residential course for members. There is some considerable expertise in South Wales in this process – Harvey Hood at his Berllanderi workshops had been running a number of workshops and member, Matthew Tomalin had gained much acclaim for his work at the National Eisteddfod of Wales in 2005. In addition, Andy Griffiths, from the West Wales School of Art and Design had been responsible, with support from the sculpture team, in building a cast iron cupola capable of pouring iron as a sculptural material, and the College became the obvious venue for our Workshop. We were successful in obtaining a grant from the Arts Council of Wales to fund ten members to attend the week long residential course. Those who attended gave illustrated talks about their work at the hostel in the evening and the whole event culminated in an exhibition of work in the Henry Thomas Gallery.
This Project was one of the most successful in terms of bringing Sculpture Cymru members together to make work, share and discuss ideas. All members gained new skills and created pieces of sculpture. One member is already using cast iron as a medium for a piece of public sculpture and another has applied for a grant to pursue their own sculptural practice through this new casting techniques
Ers peth amser Scultpure Cymru oedd wedi bod yn trafod y syniad o ddatblygu hyfforddiant gweithdai lle gallai’r Aelodau ddod ynghyd i ddatblygu sgiliau newydd mewn arfer cerfluniol. Cynigiwyd ddiddordeb yn datblygu gan ddefnyddio haearn bwrw, fel oedd yn ffordd o wneud cerflun yn dechrau ennill ei blwyf ac yn ddiweddar y dylid trefnu cwrs preswyl ar gyfer yr Aelodau. Ceir rhywfaint o arbenigedd sylweddol yn y De yn y broses hon-Harvey Hood yn ei gweithdai Berllanderi wedi bod yn rhedeg nifer o weithdai ac roedd aelod, Matthew Tomalin wedi ennill cymeradwyaeth am ei waith yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru yn 2005. Yn ogystal, o orllewin Cymru ysgol celf a dylunio Andy Griffiths, wedi bod yn gyfrifol, gyda chymorth gan dîm y cerflun, yn adeilad cupola haearn bwrw gallu arllwys haearn fel deunydd cerfluniol, a daeth y coleg yn lleoliad amlwg ar gyfer ein gweithdy. Roeddem yn llwyddiannus yn cael grant gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru i ariannu deg aelod i fynychu cwrs preswyl wythnos hir. Rhoddodd y rhai a fynychodd ddarlunnir yn sôn am eu gwaith yn yr hostel yn y nos a holl ddigwyddiad arweiniodd at arddangosfa o waith yn Oriel Thomas Henry.
Y prosiect hwn oedd un o’r rhai mwyaf llwyddiannus o ran dod â Aelodau Sculpture Cymru at ei gilydd i wneud gwaith, rhannu a thrafod syniadau. Holl Aelodau wedi dysgu sgiliau newydd ac yn creu darn o gerflun. Mae un aelod sydd eisoes yn defnyddio haearn bwrw fel cyfrwng ar gyfer darn o gerflun cyhoeddus ac mae un arall wedi gwneud cais am grant i ddilyn eu harferion eu hunain cerfluniol drwy hyn fwrw technegau newydd.
With support from The Arts Council of Wales, West Wales School of the Arts.